Invited talk at the University of Houston

Athrey presented an invited talk in the Department of Biology at the University of Houston. Dr. Rich Miesel was hosting. Besides presenting a seminar titled “A microbial view of host function: stories from avian and insect microbiomes”, Athrey had the chance to meet several students and faculty members with overlapping interests. Really enjoyed meetings with Drs. Becky Zufall, Adam Stuckert, Jacob Daane, Dan Graur, Rich Miesel, Erin Kelleher, and Ricardo Azevedo.

Despite being so close to TAMU (geographically), this campus and department had such a different vibe, which was an enjoyable change. Another highligight (beyond the great conversations) was a chance to exchange notes on expresso preferences, and coffee roasting with Prof. Ricardo Acevedo.


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