Tag: chicken

Aviagen Visits Our Department

Our department welcomed a team from Aviagen North America, a leading poultry breeding company. The visit […]

Introducing Our New Graduate Students: Mollie Cobb and Kamaryn Beamsley

We are pleased to announce that Mollie Cobb and Kamaryn Beamsley have joined our lab as […]

New grant to investigate antimicrobial resistance

Athrey lab was awarded a Vector Seed Grant to investigate the role of insect vectors in […]

New pub: cloacal swab microbiota

Cloacal swabs, commonly used as a proxy of gut microbiota membership in birds, are really poor at capturing the membership and community structure of lower GI tract microbes in chicken.

Athrey lab receives USDA grant to investigate the genomic basis of Wooden breast

Yes! We received a USDA-NIFA award for three years to investigate the genomic and functional basis […]